Monday, March 23, 2015

Agenda March 23-27

Quality ~ Quality ~ Quality counts
From this point on 
~ If your assignment is turned in on time ~ you have the possibility for a C, B, or A
~ If your assignment is turned in Late ~ you have the possibility for a D or C

ALL assignments are to be completed in Blue or Black pen and in cursive writing ~ if it's not ~ you will receive a D (no matter if it's on time or late)   

English Elective 

Read a large chapter book (I need to approve the book)
      Like:  Lightening Thief or Hunger Games  

Everyday Students will receive a Grade for reading and cooperating (The students will turn-in a work receipt as they leave the class)

Complete a Book cover by March 27 (the last day before spring break)


History Classes

We are beginning a new Unit next week ~ 'Pre', During & 'Post' Civil War ~ 

Complete Chapter 18 ~ An Era of Reform (9 pages)

The Civil War Biography ~ Living Museum 

Was due On Monday was:
  *  You need to have a Timeline of their life ~ interesting and important events in their life (full and full of details)
  *  Why are they interesting to study, where did they live, what they did, what side they are on, what was their importance in this war era
  *  The description of them ~ physical, characteristics, what they like, think is important ....     

You are going to become the expert on this person.  You will create a 5-10 minute presentation and answer questions from the audience. 

*  Here are some Graphic organizers to assist you in your research and some of the information that can be included in your presentation.  

Each Biography Project ~ Due April 13th
Each student must have a:
    List of 10 interesting facts, Timeline of the persons life, a paragraph with why and how was this person important with the Civil War, Fill out the graphic organizers, Symbolic Representation (picture, painting, collage, slide show ), Presentation, answer questions, response to others presentation sheets, ask questions of 3 other people, extra credit 6th grade presentation


 This is a collage!
The 'Brainy Quotes' Andrew Jackson
1 journal per week (5 for this week)

  remember to 
write the quote, 
       skip a line, 
explain the author's  meaning of the quote, 
         skip a line
do you agree or disagree ~ explain why (2 reasons) 

       skip a line
find a quote from someone else in history to support your explanation of agreeing or disagreeing with the author's quote
If you have filled up your journal book ~ please start completing your Journal like you do  in Ms Bradley's class.

Send me your Journal every Friday to Jupiter Grades


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