Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Week 13 ~ November 6-9

In our class: ~~ Our Agreements:~ Safe ~~ ~ Respect
~ Fun ~~ ~ Focus
~ Learn ~~ ~ Participate
* As you enter the room ~ Come in Genteelly (walk, come & sit-down)
~ Be ready to Learn
❈ The importance of GRAPES in studying USA History & in College Prep/Elective
❈ Must have a Heading – First and Last Name, Period #, and Date
❈ Always use Cursive Writing (except for Posters)
❈ Expectation in Writing
      ✰ do a through job, using complex sentence and deep meanings to the questions.   
               (Answer the how, who, what, where, why, and when)
      ✰ Claim ~ Reason correct, quote and why the reason proves the claim.
❈ ALL students are encouraged to turn in their assignments on time, for full credit. If
there is an issue – they may turn in work late and receive a “C or D” (depending on the quality and completeness of the work)


Class Rules
* This is a safe place to learn
* Respect and Cooperate
* Raise your hand and wait to be called on
* Be a listener ready to learn
* Work quietly (or at a whisper)
* Quality ~ Quality ~ Quality counts
~ As you leave the room ~
~ Pick-up and clean up before you leave (push your chair in)
To Get Credit * Turn Work in On Time
Proper heading Neat work Clean paper
Follow instructions
Use Cursive Writing (except on posters) and use pen (black, dark blue and dark purple)
Write Problem/Questions
Draw – 5 colors
 “Own Words”

6th period ~ put the chair up at the end of the day!

US History 
Journal Writes ~ Is number # for the day is in the books by the projector  
The first 10-15 minuets- The daily journal 📓 write are next the projector  ~ they write the quote, then what does it say, mean, how does it matter and what do they they think ~ 2 sentences each. 
¨     Write the quote
¨               skip a line
¨     what does it say
¨               skip a line
¨     what does it mean
¨     x          skip a line
¨     why does it matter
·                skip a line
¨     what do you think
Veteran’s Day ( new assignment)
What is it?  Why do we celebrate it?  Who does it acknowledge? Which President started this practice and When?  Why is it important to remember?

Write a letter and a picture to a veteran and thank them for their service to our country ~ Dear Veteran:


Chapter 5 & 6  ~ Causes on the Revolutionary
~ Highlight or write down notes
~ Annotate ~ CUBS,  Write down: ideas, questions …
* 5 important Facts
* What is the purpose or authors meaning of the reading
* It is essential to use details, be specific explain the reasons why & why not’s
 quotes~ tell why the quotes
     ~ tell why the quotes help prove your point or goes with your reasoning (the answer to the question or problem.
*  Fill out the workbook in ‘Notability’ with the IPAD or their phones
¨     complete the workbook for chapter 5 which is on line or

If they have Chapter 5 & 6 completed
Events Leading to American Independence

An engraving from 1789 of the Boston Tea Party. American colonists, angered by England's imposed taxes, threw chests of tea into Boston Harbor. Photo from Library of Congress

     Current Event ~ the last Friday of the month ~ get the forms off of Ms Naz Class or Jupiter Grades

Period 4  College Prep ~ Art/Poetry/Multi-Cultural

I~ Is number # for the day is in the books by the projector  
The first 10-15 minuets- The daily journal 📓 write are next the projector  ~ they write the quote, then what does it say, mean, how does it matter and what do they they think ~ 2 sentences each.
Write the quote
          skip a line
what does it say
          skip a line
what does it mean
x          skip a line
why does it matter
          skip a line
what do you think

Art Elements, Principles, Contemporary Elements
Create 1, 2 or3 Foldables ~ on the Due tomorrow
¨       Elements of Art
¨       Principles of Art
¨       Contemporary Elements of Art
      Include:  The definition of each item (remember to use quote marks and cite where you got this definition), Your Words Definition and a drawing representing the concept.

Native Americans
They will be picking a Native American tribe ~ when I get back.  Have the students research different tribes ~ to see which one they are interested in.
*  The large map over the white board ~ has names of tribes on it ~ they can start there
DreamCatcher – gather the supplies ~
Please bring to class  Monday 11/13 – we will make it in class, together
* Heavy String - natural fibers
* Skinny string – natural fibers
* beads, shells, feathers
* circle item ( you can string in)  7- 10" in diameter
They need watch this video
creating a dreamcatcher
make a dreamcatcher
Dreamcatcher legend3 legends about Dreamcatchers
http://www.activegarage.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/DreamCatcher.jpgImage result for native american dreamcatcher
Native American Dream Catcher royalty-free stock vector artNative American Indian dream-catcherNative American Hand-Drawn Tribal Map


All About Art: Art begins with drawing

A pen drawing of a lion by the Dutch artist Rembrandt, who lived about 400 years ago. Image from: Wikimedia Commons.
A pen drawing of a lion by the Dutch artist Rembrandt, who lived about 400 years ago. Image from: Wikimedia Commons.

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