~~ Periods 2, 3, 5, 6 ~ US History
Over this year ~ you will be Studying about our country. The Life and Lives, the Geography and Climate
~ Growth and Conflict
* CUBS –
annotating - Studying tips - Learning
Pyramid – Growth Mindset academic Language
* 911 remembrances – (baseline benchmark)
* Constitution Day Activities
* Culture – what is culture and how we study it
* Questions to ask as you are
learning (based on GRAPES
* the Quiz corrections due
September 13th
Geography quiz
What is geography?
What are the 3 main ways to get information?
What are locators?
Why do we need a map scale?
What is its importance?
What is a compose rose and why is it important?
List the Cardinal directions?
List the Intermediate directions?
Draw a compose rose
Relative and Absolute Locations describe them send how you
figure them out
What is the Zeroº for latitude
What is the Zeroº for longitude
Give the Grid Address for Hawaii
List 5 types of maps
Geography ~ Using the 5 themes
in Geography and Questions to ask when entering a new area. https://geography.mrdonn.org/5themes-definitions.html
* Geography websites to
* John McCain listen to his speech when he came back to the
Senate - Due September 14th -
https://6abc.com/politics/watch-mccain-returns-to-congress-delivers-speech-to-senate/2249406/ , and His last word to the nations read by
his friend. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/opinions/wp/2018/08/27/mccains-last-words-are-hopeful/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.9bdb8e3f22c5
US HIsotry Framework: The eighth grade course of study begins
with an intensive review of the major ideas, issues, and events that shaped the
founding of the nation. In their study of this era, students will view American
history through the lens of a people who were trying—and are still trying—to
fulfill the promise of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Throughout their eighth grade United States history and geography course,
students will confront the themes of freedom, equality, and liberty and their
changing definitions over time. This course will also explore the geography of
place, movement, and region, starting with the Atlantic Seaboard and then
exploring American westward expansion and economic development, the Civil War
and Reconstruction, and finally, industrialization. Covering parts of three centuries, the
historical content outlined in this chapter is both substantial and substantive,
which poses a significant challenge for teachers, with limited time for
in-depth study. In order to address this challenge, this chapter is organized
into five large sections that incorporate relevant questions that can help
students understand how individual events and people comprise a larger
narrative explanation of our past.
As students learn American history from the late 1700s
through the end of the nineteenth century, they will develop reading, writing,
speaking, and listening skills that will enhance their understanding of the
content. As in earlier grades, students should be taught that history is an
investigative discipline, one that is continually reshaped based on
primary-source research and on new perspectives that can be uncovered. Students
should be encouraged to read multiple primary and secondary documents; to
understand multiple perspectives; to learn about how some things change over
time and others tend not to; and they should appreciate that each historical
era has its own context and it is up to the student of history to make sense of
the past on these terms and by asking questions about it.
The standards for the History classes:
History Focus in the Standards
CA HSS Analysis Skills (6-8 grades) research, evidence and
Point of View
CA CC SS for ELA/Literacy – RH 6-8.1, 2, 6, 8, 9, SL 8.4,
CA ELD Standard ELD.P.8.1, 6a, 6b, 7, 9, 11, ELD.P11.8.a
~~ Period 4 ~
Multicultural Studies/College Ed
of Art
During class time we are learning about Art
Elements and Principles
Create 3 Foldables ~
Elements of Art
Principles of Art
Include: The
definition of each item (remember to use quote marks and cite where you got
this definition), Your Words Definition and a drawing representing the concept.
Grade Eight
and Performing Arts: Visual Arts Content Standards.
Analyzing, and Responding to Sensory Information Through the Language and
Skills Unique to the Visual Arts - Students perceive and respond to works of
art, objects in nature, events, and the environment. They also use the
vocabulary of the visual arts to express their observations.
Develop Perceptual Skills
and Visual Arts Vocabulary
· 1.1 Use artistic terms when describing the intent and content of
works of art.
Analyze Art Elements and
Principles of Design
· 1.2 Analyze and justify how their artistic choices contribute to
the expressive quality of their own works of art.
Create a Cultural Mandela (Find a pattern (very
detailed) for each of the cultures we will looked at this year. Hispanic, African American, Armenian, China,
Native American … any other you want – look up the patterns for each culture
and put them all together with lots of patterns and details in the design.
Elements of Poetry
Walrus and the Carpenter Poem
- Read the Poem at least 3 times; Figure out the meaning, any
symbolism of the poem;
- Read the Information about the author and poem; Annotate
and CUBS the information and write down what you found interesting and explain
why it is interesting to you
- write your own poem in this style and Create/Draw a
picture to go with the poem. (Due
September 17)
- Complete the Worksheet on the Poem (due today)
Corrections due on (due September 13th)
Language Arts Standards » Standard 10: Range, Quality, & Complexity » Range
of Text Types for 6-12
in grades 6-12 apply the Reading standards to the following range of text
types, with texts selected from a broad range of cultures and periods.
Informational Text
Literary Nonfiction and Historical,
Scientific, and Technical Texts
Includes the subgenres of adventure stories,
historical fiction, mysteries, myths, science fiction, realistic fiction,
allegories, parodies, satire, and graphic novels
Includes one-act and multi-act plays,
both in written form and on film
Includes the subgenres of narrative
poems, lyrical poems, free verse poems, sonnets, odes, ballads, and epics
Includes the subgenres of exposition,
argument, and functional text in the form of personal essays, speeches,
opinion pieces, essays about art or literature, biographies, memoirs,
journalism, and historical, scientific, technical, or economic accounts
(including digital sources) written for a broad audience
Language Arts Standards » Reading: Literature » Grade 1 » 10
With prompting and support,
read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 8
√ Let us Be Kind, Be Gentle, Show Care with the
Love ~ all the time.
In our class: ~~ Our
~ Safe ~~
~ Respect
~ Fun ~~
~ Focus
~ Learn ~~
~ Participate
* This is a safe place to learn
* Respect and Cooperate
* Presuming Positive Intention
* Raise your hand and wait to be called on
* Be a listener ready to learn
* Work quietly
* Quality ~ Quality ~ Quality counts
* As you enter the
Come in Genteelly (walk, come & sit-down)
~ Be
ready to
* NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES other than the IPads
IS MY STUFF) because the students should use their own supplies
* As you leave the room
~ Pick-up and clean up
before you leave (push your chair in – 6TH PUT UP YOUR CHAIRS)
Get Credit
* Turn Work in On Time
* Proper heading
* Neat work
* Clean paper
* Follow instructions
* Cursive Writing
* Write Problem/Questions
* ‘Draw – 5
* “Own Words”
* Diagrams – labels and details
* Lined paper (no tear outs from notebooks)
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